This deck has three powerful air units, two of which are the center of the offense. Take advantage of Clash Royale’s air units with the Fly Baby Fly deck. Zap is good for slowing down attacking units on defense.

That means that if there is an enemy unit guarding the tower, the Magic Archer will attack the unit and the tower at the same time. The Magic Archer is great because its attacks not only damage its target but what is directly behind them. This will defend your Miner and deal additional damage to the tower and nearby enemies. Place the Poison spell on the enemy tower when your Miner arrives. Poison and Magic Archer are supporting offensive units.It is nice to use once in a while to keep your oppenent guessing. Don't use this as your primary attack, however. It will force your oppenent to decide which one to defend. You can also attack both side towers at the same time by sending the Battle Ram to one and the Miner to the other.The Miner will be able to attack the tower while everyone else is focusing on the aggressive attack from the Battle Ram. Send in the Battle Ram, and as soon as the enemy base locks onto it that is when you are going to deploy the Miner.Battle Ram and Miner are the center of you offense.The Magic Archer can shoot through units to apply damage to the enemy units and whatever is behind it (more enemy units or even the enemy tower).

Play this right and you’ll pocket many wins. With many types of cards, you will be well prepared for any opponent. This frightening fellow is just a gentle giant.